Monday, June 24, 2019

How To Get Rid Of Hyper Acidity Naturally

As the name implies, hyper-acidity refers to a state of excessive production of digestive acids that causes discomfort or other problems. It includes conditions such as acid reflux disease, heart attack, and GERD, which can vary in severity. The conditions of hyperactivity are pervasive, affecting us all from time to time. Surprisingly, the former Indian doctors were well aware of the condition and Amlapitta in the scientific texts of Ayurveda. Their observations and therapeutic recommendations still serve as a practical guide and are also used for acidity in the form of advanced Ayurvedic medicines. Because the underlying causes of hypertension are identified in diet and lifestyle, the natural treatment of hyperacidity requires a combination of diet and lifestyle changes,

Fix Your Diet

To beat hyper-acidity, you must first adjust your diet, limiting or eliminating the foods and drinks that may be causing the problem. Coffee, alcohol, chocolate, citric fruits and juices, carbonated drinks, colas, sugars, some dairy products, and most processed foods. The importance of Ayurveda on dietary changes to cure acidity is supported by research. A study that appeared showed that Jama Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery could be as effective as the best traditional therapies. These foods have a weakening effect on their production of acid and on the lower esophageal sphincter, usually from acid back up.

Monitor Meal Times

You may not be able to maintain hyperactivity if you follow Ayurvedic dinacharya or daily general recommendations. While this may not be practical for everyone due to our modern lifestyle, you should make it a point to eat at least XNUM hours of your main meal before you plan to sleep. This homeopathic remedy for acidity is currently supported by observational studies that have documented strong acid reflux symptoms in patients who eat lunch closer to bedtime. Because your body has enough time to digest food and they are banned by gravity, the better position makes it easier for acids to climb. Changing your meal times can help solve the problem.

There Is No Ovate

The lower esophageal sphincter, which acts as a one-way valve, is cunning when you eat too much. When you eat more than you need, some acid can cause an escape. This is why hyperacidity is usually more pronounced in eating, especially in the larger ones. Limiting the size of your meals and having small but frequent meals during the day can help solve the problem. Overeating can reduce digestion and delay gaps. This means that the stomach acids will increase and the longer the current, the higher the risk of them going back.

Sleep On Your Left Side


Ayurvedic doctors often advise their patients to sleep on the right side rather than the right side for various reasons. One of the benefits is that this posture helps in digestion and reduces the risk of hyperacidity. This is physically meaningful as the esophagus enters the stomach on the right side. This means that the sphincter is safely above the stomach contents while sleeping on the left side. This recommendation is now reinforced by research, which shows that sleeping on the right can worsen symptoms of hyperacidity.

Use Ayurvedic Herbs

Herbal ingredients are highly valued in Ayurveda and helpful in dealing with hypercalciuria. The best herbs are Amla, Sanf, Tulsi, Elachi, and Jaipal, among others. These herbs work through a variety of mechanisms that stimulate digestion, reduce gastrointestinal lining, reduce inflammation, relieve stomach pain, and regulate acid production. For example, studies have shown that basil controls immune acid production and protects the stomach lining, while basil has proven immune and anti-inflammatory effects. This makes Ayurvedic herbs very powerful when used in perfect combinations. Instead of using individual herbs or trying to create your own blend, you can simply use OTC Ayurvedic remedies for high blood pressure, which contain many of these herbs and are based on ancient Ayurvedic recommendations and advanced studies. From these homeopathic diet changes and remedies, you should take extra care of your body weight and posture. Excessive body weight in poor postures increases the risk of hyperactivity. The esophageal sphincter is also damaged by smoking, so be sure to quit the habit. Physical activity helps digestion and reduces the risk of acidity, so take some light to moderate exercises like yoga, pilates, walking or swimming.